Wednesday, October 1, 2008

24 Hours In Her Shoes [Pajamas?]

Tuesday September 30th, 2008

12:00 am - 11:30 am - Sleeping
11:30 am - Wake up via alarm clock. Turn it off, go back to bed.
12:30 pm - Wake up - for real. Turn on my laptop on my way to brush my teeth.
12:45 pm - At computer; Check e-mail. Still nothing from my audition.
1:00 pm - Check for Daily Shout Out & Blog; watch his Norm Lewis Deconstruction, through YouTube.
1:28 pm - Watched linked video "Suddenly Seymour - Spring Awakening Cover" on YouTube.
1:35 pm - Put laptop to sleep. Head down to the kitchen for food; Eggs and Toast, yum.
2:12 pm - Return, wake up computer. Check's Blog, watched "[tos]timonial #2: hazel" from their blog, through YouTube.
2:21 pm - Check on my petition:
2717 signatures! Woohoo!

2:54 pm - Sign onto MSN Messenger, chat with my best friend Tiffany.
3:00 pm - Find episode of America's Next Top Model online (at, sign off MSN to watch it.
3:30 pm - House inhabitants get home from school, pause the show to go and chat with them.
3:45 pm - Return, resume watching America's Next Top Model.
4:05 pm - Episode is over, hop into the shower.
5:20 pm - Get dressed, head down to kitchen to eat a spot of dinner; Chicken & Rice, yum
6:20 pm - Run out the door to catch the bus to the University of Guelph.
6:50 pm - Arrive at ROZH 103 for "The Language of Media" lecture.
7:01 pm - Lecture Starts. Log onto Facebook.
7: 48 pm - Go onto and post that I am in Media lecture.
9:40 pm - Lecture Ends, walk over to the UC loop and take the bus home.
10:20pm - Get home, throw on some warmer clothes.
10:28pm - Turn on computer, go online.
10:58 pm - Watch a few episodes of "What the Buck?!" on YouTube.
11:30 pm - Turn off computer, go to bed.
11:30 pm - 12:00 am - Sleeping

From the above log of my day's activities, many things have come to light:
A) Since I don't have class until 7 pm on Tuesdays, I should have spend the day doing homework or reading, but I am a procrastinator. And,
B) I seem to spend a lot of time on YouTube. You could definitely say that it is the media text I participate in most often.

By means of the Inter-Web, I am able to keep tabs on all of the things I am interested in. I can also keep in contact with my friends through Facebook and MSN Messenger. This semester, I have three night classes (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) which is when the best television shows play, so I've taken to watching them online when I have time.

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