Sunday, October 5, 2008

Who Will You Vote For?

The American Presidential election is creeping up ever so subtly, n'est-ce pas?

Um, No. Not exactly.

Everyone and their sister knows about the election Tuesday, November 4th 2008. Turn on your TV, surf a few channels and you will no doubt hear people deconstruct last Thursday's VP debate or hear predictions for the Presidential Debate on Oct. 7th. It's great that the American people seem so passionate about the election. That's the point, isn't it? To get more people interested in the future of the country so that they'll vote. Let alone, for the right candidate who will lead the country out of the economic crisis, finally do something about the War in Iraq and lower-taxes-and-make-health-care-accessible-and-and-and...bla-bla-bla...

Don't get me wrong, those things are great! Lots of important issues need to be resolved over there and come Nov. 4th, there will be a change in office [finally]. The problem is that the lens seems to have locked focused on Washington, a little north of the U. S. border in Ottawa, ON., there is a Canadian Federal Election on October 14th 2008. That's a little over a week from today!

So much of the news media on television and on our news stands here in Canada comes from the United States that I know more about a foreign election than I do the one happening at home. In Canada, you just don't see our politicians on every other channel, dirty laundry spread all over the tabloids. Our candidates don't get eight pages in Glamour Magazine, ours don't get put on the cover of TIME.

I am finally of age to vote in my own country and I have no idea who to vote for, and no wonder; The American Election has taken precedence! Obviously they do it to reach as many people as they can, but I think they've gone a little too far [north]. I knew it was a problem when my 70 year old grandmother referred to Barrack Obama as our next president. Our next president. Not only is he not ours but Canada will never elect a president.

So, I've decided to ignore anything factual about the U.S. Election, since it's got nothing to do with me here in Canada, and only allow through the funny stuff; Saturday Night Live. I've watched it for years and since they always start with a political cold-open, that's the extent of my political knowledge. What I've learned is that Palin, who doesn't know how to answer questions, was duped when the talent portion of the VP debate was cut. Biden loves McCain to death but thinks he's seriously off his rocker. McCain is not only senile but also really, really, really, really old. Last but not least, Obama is still a man, therefore the second best choice for Democratic candidate, because although she comes off as a real bitch sometimes, Hilary was the real candidate for change.

So, who're you gonna vote for?

Oh, and this:

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